Pura Vida

Costa Rica is a country known for its key phrase: Pura Vida. This phrase, which translates to ‘pure life’, is used in Costa Rica to answer questions about your day, what the weather is like, or is simply a greeting in passing. However, what I have learned since arriving to Costa Rica is one important way in which this small country completely exemplifies Pura Vida.

My first encounter with genuine Pura Vida was in the Costa Rican family I was given the first two weeks of the study abroad trip. This family loved me so well. Living in a country that you know little about and having to communicate in a language you’re not comfortable speaking is hard. My Costa Rican family understood the challenge of studying abroad and always returned my frustration with kindness, patience, guidance and A LOT of good coffee. I can remember making plans with my friends to go out for the night or taking an adventure to the city and, without fail, my momma tica would always ensure that I knew the quickest, cheapest, and safest way to travel. I also remember the first two weeks of living in Heredia being challenging because of the unexpected downpours common in Costa Rica. However, despite the constant rain storms, my momma tica was always prepared with fruit and sweet treats if some of my friends that lived farther away needed to wait out the storm in our home. This family welcomed me as their family the moment I stepped through the door. I was blessed to spend my nights watching silly YouTube videos with my two-year-old Costa Rican sister, playing soccer on the patio with my Costa Rican brother, and having chats over coffee with the parents. These small, yet meaningful, actions showed me tangibly one way in which Costa Ricans express Pure Vida.Lindsay y Victoria

The best part about the memories following my time with this family is the knowledge that my experience is not unique. Many of the other students in my group can recount similar stories. We can each say with confidence that we are grateful we decided to take part in this wonderful experience that was made easier with the help of our familia tica. I would encourage anyone considering studying abroad to take the leap and do it. You won’t regret it. I’ll guarantee that you’ll have an incredible learning experience and find yourself a part of a wonderful new Costa Rican family.

¡Pura Vida!

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